Wicked Jump

Wicked Jump
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Food Chain and Food Web

A food chain is the chain of organisms eating other organisms. This chain gives organisms energy to live. For example, the sun helps lichen produce glucose for food, and the lichen gets eaten by the caribou. The caribou gets tired and takes a nap and an arctic wolf attacks the caribou and eats it. The arctic wolf gets old, and he just collapses. The moss decomposes the arctic fox and gives plants nutrients.

If primary consumers became extinct many activities can happen.There will be an over increase of producers, because there are no animals to eat the plants. There will also be a decrease of secondary consumers, because they have nothing to eat unless they are a omnivore. Lastly, there will be less dead carcasses, because there are no primary consumers. Which means there will also be less scavengers.

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